Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Join our GREEN Campaign 2009 and Give Back !

We are proud to finally announce the details of our "GREEN Campaign 2009" !
For the next 6 months from NOW till June 1st 2009, We are offering the following products from our inventory which we think have made a great commitment to giving back to our environment. To honor the commitment made by the manufacturing companies who produce these products, every time you purchase a product from our GREEN Products inventory an additional 5% of that total purchase amount will be donated to our monthly fundraising effort bringing your total purchase charity contribution to 15% and that‘s making a difference together. see our charities page for more information about our monthly charity program.
If you checkout any of our TOP 10 Green Items listed on our GREEN Items PayPals page we'll give you 10% Off your next order. see PayPal items Finally, If nothing here seems to interest you just purchase a product from anyone one of our network advertisers using one of the banner ad's on our website and we will send you a FREE Sample of any random product in our GREEN Products inventory. Just send us confirmation of your purchase to redeem your FREE Sample Product.See more environmentally friendly products and services from our network advertisers

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